Surrounded by boys.....and Ms.B

Welcome to my blog. I've called it 'A House of Hawes' as I am completely surrounded by Hawes' people, a scary (albeit fun) thought at times. Even the dogs have that last name registered. We've decided to go the blog route instead of our website so we can keep things updated easier as the 'Will and Nate' story continues....what a story it's turning out to be!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Naughty Nate

I should have learned by now that silence=trouble. Will was keeping a close eye on me while I was making the boys' supper. I suddenly realized that Nate had been silent for a few minutes...hmmmm, that never happens. I went in to the living room and he was nowhere to be found and didn't make a noise when I called him. I found him hiding under a table and he had managed to get hold of a yogurt container that should have been out of reach. He pretty much licked clean what was can see the after effects, yogurt was everywhere.

You are so busted Nate!

Leave me alone Mom, I'm busy

It tastes way better without a spoon!

Very proud of himself

Will barging in to see what all the fuss is about

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on my House of Hawes viewing ... I LOVE this series of pictures! What a little rascal! :)

