Here are a few more pics before we leave - glad I threw the boys winter coats in the car before we left, I understand we're coming home to slightly cooler weather :)
These first few pics I call 'the Transformation of Nate' - this kid is messy. Doesn't matter where we are, he just figures out how to make a big mess of things
Contemplating his life as a 2.5 year old
So happy
Final pic before going to the car
Post granola bar
This is what happens when you dig for chocolate chips in the granola bar
Whatcha lookin' at?
Because the sun was so bright, these pics don't do justice of how much mud he had all over him - head to toe
Those aren't tattoos on his legs...just mud
Meanwhile, Will on the other hand is always busy...
Marching to his next destination
More building....
Posing in Daddy's hat
And together they really are the best of friends....(and troublemakers!)
Tickle, tickle
Damage is done, Nate walks away
Finally, they look at the camera at the same time
So long Maui.....we will miss this place.