Surrounded by boys.....and Ms.B

Welcome to my blog. I've called it 'A House of Hawes' as I am completely surrounded by Hawes' people, a scary (albeit fun) thought at times. Even the dogs have that last name registered. We've decided to go the blog route instead of our website so we can keep things updated easier as the 'Will and Nate' story continues....what a story it's turning out to be!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sun, sand, sand, sun...and more sun

The fun continues....

We have continued to do a lot of exploring around the island. As the waves are quite rough and high in Kihei (where we are staying), the boys have been quite intimidated by the beach. Before we left, I had done some research on 'baby friendly' beaches - I had come across one actually called 'Baby Beach' (it's official name is Puunoa Beach) in Lahaina. It is so baby friendly because of a big coral reef that acts as a shore break so the 'waves' are tiny. The boys have been very happy with this find...we have been twice so far. No doubt a few more trips will be had before we leave. They like looking for fish in the water. We have seen a few. However, if you ask Nate, he will give you live commentary saying 'oh, there's a crocodile - oh, there's a turtle. oh yeah, there's a butterfly'. I better get my eyes checked 'cause I'm not seeing quite the same creatures as he is.

Baby Beach

Happy Will!

Dad's shoes work much better for building sandcastles

Nate spotting crocodiles, turtles, butterflies....

Watching 'balloons' in the distance (people parasailing)

When you're a cool surfer dude, this is your hairstyle (au naturel)

Kamaole Beach III for a late afternoon stroll. Please note them running in opposite directions - story of our lives.

New favourite sport second to baby wrestling, tree climbing

Big tree, little Nate

76th ice cream of the trip

Dave says we get these birds in Calgary....sure doesn't look like the robins, magpies and sparrows I see. Apparently it's a night heron

Chasing Egrets

Went for a drive partially up the mountain. Somewhat close to Oprah's Maui 'shack'

Natey pretending to be asleep and saying 'cheese'

Will saying 'I don't want to say cheese'

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