Surrounded by boys.....and Ms.B

Welcome to my blog. I've called it 'A House of Hawes' as I am completely surrounded by Hawes' people, a scary (albeit fun) thought at times. Even the dogs have that last name registered. We've decided to go the blog route instead of our website so we can keep things updated easier as the 'Will and Nate' story continues....what a story it's turning out to be!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

But that's my apple......

Nate has no patience for me when I'm eating an apple that I won't share with him - this started a couple of months ago. So, Mommy's apple ends up becoming Natey Nate's apple......

Bath x 2

The boys are now big enough to go in the big bathtub which means both can have a bath at the same time..... Yay for me as this saves me a lot of time!! Besides, bathtime is SO much more fun when you can splash your brother and your parents at the same time :)


The boys love their cookies and these have definitely become part of the daily routine. I can now tell by a particular crankiness that I have neglected to honour 'cookie time'.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Who is this guy????

Will and Nate's first visit with Santa is in the history books. Nate was quite interested in Santa's outfit and beard - lots of things to grab on to. Will was a little bit concerned - he would look at Santa and whimper, then look at Daddy, then look at me, then repeat the whole thing. Overall, Dave and I were quite happy that the boys weren't traumatized by the whole Santa 'experience'.

Nate on the left, Will on the right

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Will plays peek-a-boo......

Will's favourite new trick is playing peek-a-boo. He doesn't quite have the whole thing down in that he will sometimes play peek-a-boo with a tiny book or baby sock, but he's working on improving his technique. In the meantime, you can see what he's working on.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hanging out in November

This month has gone by soooo fast. Hard to believe it's less than a month until Christmas. Here are some of Will and Nate's happenings around the house.....

My sweet Will

Kiss my......

They love their Daddy!

Natey Nate with his rosy cheeks courtesy of teething

Nate talking to the toy

Will trying to figure out how to work the zipper

More milk on their faces than in their tummies

"So, how is this crawling thing supposed to work?"

All bundled up to head out in -30 degree Celcius weather

Chasing Ms. B

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun

Well, Will and Nate's first Halloween is in the record books. It all started when I went out to buy them a couple of new sleepers and came home with Halloween costumes instead. Seeing they were too young to go trick or treating (much to Dave's disgust...he was hoping to score big with the candy haul), we decided to throw a party for their little friends. It was a lot of fun. Will was a spider and Nate was a monkey and Dave was the pirate. For the record, he is always a pirate on Halloween - he usually wanders up and down the street scaring the kids but he stayed home to entertain the crowd. We also had a ladybug, a mermaid, another monkey (Nate's real life girlfriend), a little pirate, batman and a fireman. Grandma and Nanny also showed up as themselves and helped by looking after their grandchildren who were playing shy most of the day. The first picture is of the day before (aka the dress rehearsal) - Will wasn't really enjoying the whole 'spider aura' on Halloween - party pooper!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Broccoli, butternut squash, cereal and apples....enough said.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Post-Thanksgiving week

We had a nice week hanging out at home. The weather has turned very 'fall-ish' after a beautifully warm start to October, so we've had to break out the warmer coats. Here's a few pics from our week.