Surrounded by boys.....and Ms.B

Welcome to my blog. I've called it 'A House of Hawes' as I am completely surrounded by Hawes' people, a scary (albeit fun) thought at times. Even the dogs have that last name registered. We've decided to go the blog route instead of our website so we can keep things updated easier as the 'Will and Nate' story continues....what a story it's turning out to be!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Toddler hip-hop 2012

Will is well known in our house for his fashion sense and stubborness...when he wants to wear something, he wears it! Found him on the couch tonight, drinking his milk, wearing his Dad's hat which he found somewhere and put on himself, and watching tv. Once he realized the camera was aimed in his direction, he was only too happy to show off....