Surrounded by boys.....and Ms.B

Welcome to my blog. I've called it 'A House of Hawes' as I am completely surrounded by Hawes' people, a scary (albeit fun) thought at times. Even the dogs have that last name registered. We've decided to go the blog route instead of our website so we can keep things updated easier as the 'Will and Nate' story continues....what a story it's turning out to be!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Natey Nate is a crawlin' man

The only appropriate word here is HELP! We are days away from having two terrors racing around the house on all fours. It's bad enough with one.

Biting is so much fun.....

Boys will be boys and apparently this starts very early! Wrestling, pulling, biting and pushing are regular events in our house. Usually someone is laughing hysterically and the other is crying hysterically. In this moment, they are both laughing! Enjoy....

Merry Christmas!

Our first Christmas together was very special! Needless to say it was a lot of fun, very messy and very loud. The boys got spoiled rotten courtesy of everyone, especially Nanny and Grandma. We never appreciated the ability for volume control on toys before Christmas! You can only hear Winnie the Pooh sing the same song about 89 times before you start to have feelings of 'Pooh-rage'.

Christmas dinner was very special with lots of family and friends to share in the chaos. No doubt things will only get louder and more chaotic in the years to come.

Here is a snippet of how our Christmas 'present unwrapping' went.....