Surrounded by boys.....and Ms.B

Welcome to my blog. I've called it 'A House of Hawes' as I am completely surrounded by Hawes' people, a scary (albeit fun) thought at times. Even the dogs have that last name registered. We've decided to go the blog route instead of our website so we can keep things updated easier as the 'Will and Nate' story continues....what a story it's turning out to be!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

No more cribs....

Despite Dave trying to sell me on the fact that the boys should stay in their cribs until they are 14, I finally managed to convince him it was time to get 'big boy beds'.

Dismantling their cribs sure was a way to make me realize that they are no longer babies  (sniff, sniff....and NO Mum - that doesn't make me want to have another (or two)).

Here is the first and last times they were in their cribs...and after all this time, it is still Nate on the left and Will on the right :)

Halloween 2012

2012 marked the first pumpkin carving experience for the boys - according to Nate, the pumpkin was 'sooooo cute'. Will said 'those seeds are so BEAUTIFUL'. We reprised the roles of Pig and Cow for Halloween 2012 - except this time Will was the pig and Nate was the cow. Grandma came along to trick or treat with us.....the boys experienced their first sugar high after trick or treating :)

Last day in Hawaii....sigh

This seems so long ago now but it was really only a month ago we left Hawaii. Since then we have been come all too familiar again with winter coats and boots!

This was our cue to leave.....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Countdown is on until 'wheels up'

Well, we are closing in on the 24 hour countdown before we head back home. The weather has been amazing, boys have been soooooooo good and we have definitely capitalized on two weeks of R&R.

Here are a few more pics before we leave - glad I threw the boys winter coats in the car before we left, I understand we're coming home to slightly cooler weather :)

These first few pics I call 'the Transformation of Nate' - this kid is messy. Doesn't matter where we are, he just figures out how to make a big mess of things

Contemplating his life as a 2.5 year old

So happy


Final pic before going to the car

Post granola bar

This is what happens when you dig for chocolate chips in the granola bar

Whatcha lookin' at?

Because the sun was so bright, these pics don't do justice of how much mud he had all over him - head to toe

Those aren't tattoos on his legs...just mud
Meanwhile, Will on the other hand is always busy...

Marching to his next destination



More building....


Posing in Daddy's hat
And together they really are the best of friends....(and troublemakers!)
Tickle, tickle

Damage is done, Nate walks away

Finally, they look at the camera at the same time
So long Maui.....we will miss this place.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Maui Week 2

Time is flying now. We are very much settled in to a routine - beach in the morning and an 'adventure' in the afternoon. Yesterday was 'Turtle Town' (a great spot for 'spotting' turtles near Wailea) and today was IAO Valley - which was absolutely stunning. We stumbled across it the other day while out for a drive (aka letting the boys nap in the car) and went back today to explore. Such a worthwhile spot. It was beautiful.

First of all, Will has decided he likes to drive

Nate chilling and reading a book
Marching to Turtle Town

Lots of turtles Wailea

They decided they wanted to be frogs....Ribbit, Ribbit

Proud of himself for sneaking in to the last row of the van

So many sandcastles to build, so little time....

Dave snorkeling..

My three boys...sandcastles and snorkeling

I don't want to go home Daddy - "stay at the beach"

IAO Valley in Wailuku - stunning!

The 'Needle'

Classic example of my life with twin boys. Try to take a picture - Will=picking his nose, Nate=squirming to get  away

Discussing the house. Nate was convinced pigs lived there

"Oh, there's a bumblebee"
Ask them to say cheese and they did this. We will never get a pic of them looking at the camera at the same time

The end of a long and very fun day!